RECYC-QUÉBEC and La Ruche| Less is More Fund (CMF+)
“Québec. Recyc-Québec”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
RECYC-QUÉBEC and La Ruche, an organization specializing in crowdfunding, launched the Less is More Fund .(FMC+) to propel projects for reduction at source, reuse and adoption of eco-responsible practices with less impact on the environment
“The fight against climate change and the development of the circular economy is everyone's business. Thanks to this innovative financial lever that is the Less is + Fund , the Government of Quebec is proud to give a boost to many eco-responsible projects. These initiatives are the sign of a certain enthusiasm and interest of young Quebec companies and communities to mobilize to accelerate the ecological transition that RECYC-QUÉBEC and la Ruche wish to continue to encourage. Project leaders are therefore invited today to consider crowdfunding in their business development and, thus, to potentially benefit from an additional amount of 50% upon the success of a campaign, up to a maximum of $25,000. For more information