Quebec seed fund competition


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Equity, Loan, Government Grant

Fund Type

The Quebec Seed Fund Competition, an investment initiative totaling nearly $100 million, aims to create investment funds targeting the seed stage in strategic economic sectors from 2021 to 2023. This initiative is launched by the Québec government, through Investissement Québec, and its partners: the Fonds de solidarité FTQ; the Caisse de depot et placement du Québec, through Teralys Capital; and t Foundation.


This competition has the following objectives:

  • Encourage the emergence of new Quebec fund managers in order to stimulate the development of a private and efficient investment capital industry.
  • Attract management teams with relevant experience to manage a seed-stage venture capital fund.
  • Promote the professionalization of new seed capital managers and their adoption of best business practices.
  • Target strategic economic sectors with companies at the start-up stage and with the potential to become promising sectors of the future.

Support for the emergence of new seed fund management teams aims to promote the success of Quebec entrepreneurs in the technology sectors.

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