Quebec | Labor Market Partners Commission | Engineering and Information Technologies stream - Place of women in Engineering and IT


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Government Grant

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Place of women in Engineering and IT

To increase the presence of women in engineering and information technology jobs, certain terms of the program have been enhanced:

  • Women will be able to have access to mentors who will accompany them.
  • Expenses for promoting projects to businesses and female clients are eligible.
  • The total salary reimbursement for participants is increased by $5,000
  • Training to promote the integration of good practices in human resources with regard to the integration of women in employment, particularly in IT, in order to ensure that co-workers and superiors integrate them into the culture of the company. business is now an eligible training activity.

The short-term training program (COUD) favoring internships in the professions prioritized by the Commission for Labor Market Partners (CPMT) includes the Engineering and Information Technology component. It supports businesses in need of skilled labor in these areas of expertise. It aims to train professionals in information technology through

  • dissemination of an existing vocational, technical or university training program;
  • adapting an existing vocational, technical or university training program to the needs of companies.

As part of engineering training, it aims to train engineering professionals, through the dissemination or adaptation of a technical training program in one of the eligible professions

Part of the training must be done through internships in the workplace. The involvement of companies in the training of their workers is therefore necessary.

The COUD program covers 100% of the costs associated with the development or adaptation of the training with the educational institution.

Financial aid

Financial assistance can reach 100% of eligible expenses. Eligible expenses are additional to the expenses covered by the MEQ or the MES. Contact your project's partner educational institution to find out about the expenses covered by the MEQ or the MES. Eligible expenses are varied. A counselor will help you determine them.

Examples of eligible expenses

Here are some examples of eligible expenses:

It could be salary

  • workers in training, up to $25 per hour, up to $20,000 for workers and $25,000 for workers;
  • teachers;
  • a person assigned to support the success of people taking the training;
  • a mentor to share her experience in the field with the participants;
  • the person assigned to the integration and maintenance of a new employee, up to $65 per hour.

Certain professional fees are eligible expenses:

  • those of consultants, up to $150 per hour, or even, exceptionally, $350 per hour (Certain professional fees of $350 per hour could be eligible. A consultant can verify the conditions when your request.);
  • those of trainers, up to $150 per hour;
  • those of an attendant.

Other costs are also eligible. These may be related costs

  • the adaptation of educational material according to the nature of the handicap;
  • the development or adaptation of pedagogical and didactic material;
  • the purchase of pedagogical and didactic material;
  • registration for equivalency exams;
  • promoting the project to potential participants;
  • management and administration activities assumed by the delegated organization or collective promoter, up to 10% of eligible expenses.

Affected workers

People employed by a participating company are relieved of their duties to undergo training. This allows them to acquire the missing skills. These workers must work in an information technology occupation or one of the three eligible occupations in the engineering sector.

Particular attention will be paid to integrating as many women as possible into the professions covered by this component.

Eligible training projects

Training projects must target a profession related to the field of information technology, which may include jobs related to cybersecurity. For example, projects can enable the training of:

  • computer systems managers;
  • software designers;
  • programmers and programmers
  • designers and webs;
  • computer network technicians, including cybersecurity;

The profession targeted by the project is not part of this list? This list is not exhaustive. You can contact an advisor by writing to


 to check if your project is eligible.

As for engineering professions, the program specifically targets three professions:

  • Civil engineering technologists and technicians;
  • Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians;
  • Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians

Eligible training

The training and tools must be offered in French, except in the case of training given by an English-language educational institution.

Each training project must include internships in the workplace.

It is recommended that workers with experience have their skills recognized before starting training.

A worker who does not have the prerequisites to participate in training can take the equivalence exams necessary for his or her eligibility.

Refresher training can be included in the project when it is necessary for workers to successfully complete their training program. These trainings can focus on literacy, numeracy or digital literacy.

Training to promote the integration of good practices in human resources with respect to the integration of women into employment, particularly in engineering or IT, is also admissible in the project. This training should be intended for managers and colleagues of participants in the COUD-Engineering and IT project.

Training projects must be of a maximum duration of 36 months. This includes all stages of a project.

The training should cover

  • the offer to participants of one or more existing training courses;
  • dissemination of training for internship supervisors;
  • the adaptation of an existing training or the development of a new training.

They can be offered online or face-to-face and must lead to

  • an attestation of professional studies (AEP);
  • a diploma of vocational studies (DEP);
  • a certificate of professional specialization (ASP);
  • an Attestation of College Studies (AEC);
  • university-level training comprising between 9 and 30 credits or between 130 and 500 hours, excluding hours of study and school work outside the classroom. Eg: a certificate or a diploma of specialized higher education.

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