Quebec | Labor Market Partners Commission | Ambition-Compétences program - Call for green economy and digital transformation projects
“Quebec | Labor Market Partners Commission”
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Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
An envelope totaling $46 million is available to support businesses that want to promote the upgrading of skills or the requalification of their workforce in order to accelerate their green and digital transitions.
The projects, which must be submitted by collective promoters recognized as eligible by the CPMT, such as workers' associations, employers' associations, sectoral manpower committees and Aboriginal organizations working in employability and development, will be eligible for reimbursement of up to 85% of eligible expenses, including in particular the salaries of participants in the projects, the fees of trainers and the costs of creating teaching materials adapted to needs.
The call for projects for the Ambition-Skills program was designed to complement the Plan for a Green Economy 2030 as well as the Digital Transformation Offensive launched by the Government of Quebec.
The Green economy and digital transformation call for projects (PDF, 708 KB) aims to promote the development and acquisition of the skills of the labor force needed to adapt to major changes in the labor market. It will make it possible to create, adapt and distribute training related to the digital transformation of companies or the green transition of the labor market. Accepted projects must be led by an eligible promoter and target workers from at least two companies.