Québec. Famille | Municipal family policy support program
“Québec. Famille”
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Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Program offers financial and technical support to municipalities with less than 100,000 inhabitants, RCMs and band councils wishing to adopt a municipal family policy or update the one they already have. Technical support is also offered for the implementation of the action plan resulting from the family policy.
The Program allows funding for a maximum of two upgrades.
The investment for 2021-2022, which amounts to $ 413,915, will allow municipalities and regional county municipalities (MRCs) to develop services and infrastructures to better support families living in their territory. Interested municipalities and RCMs must submit their project by December 17, 2021.
Since the creation of this Program in 2002, 884 municipalities and MRCs have adopted or are in the process of adopting a municipal family policy.