Product Demonstration Program

“Alberta. Alberta Innovates”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Having a strategic alliance, partner or real-world product demonstration to take technology from prototype to sale has been identified as a critical success factor for technology commercialization. In response, Alberta Innovates developed the Product Demonstration Program to encourage high potential, high growth SMEs with novel, viable technologies, strong management and a validated product / market fit to find strategic product demonstration opportunities or form alliances. The purpose is to create a working, at scale demonstration to trial, pilot or prove the technical and business merit for potential clients.

  • Within the course of a Project the Applicant is expected to finalize the development of the existing prototype and demonstrate that prototype to potential customers or distribution partners in an operational environment, with sufficient momentum to take the technology to commercialization.
  • The intent of the program is to fund product demonstration with or to alliances that have indicated a reasonable intent to purchase or distribute based on successful completion of the product demonstration.

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