Prince Edward Island Optimization of Scope of Practice for Health Care Professionals Grant
“Prince Edward Island”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The aim of this program is to support the health system in creating new pathways for health professionals to broaden their scope of practice through training and education. The Department of Health and Wellness, through the Health Innovation Fund, will provide grant funding to Professional Colleges and Associations of health care professionals to support development of educational content for members, course participation, acquisition of content and materials for training, or other pathways for learning for optimization of scope of practice.
Program Overview
The aim of this program is to support the health system in creating new pathways for health professionals to broaden their scope of practice through training and education. The Department of Health and Wellness, through the Health Innovation Fund, will provide grant funding to Professional Colleges and Associations of health care professionals to support development of educational content for members, course participation, acquisition of content and materials for training, or other pathways for learning for optimization of scope of practice.
Goals of Program
- Assist health professionals in obtaining skills and training to aid in the optimization of their scope of practice.
- Fund Professional Colleges and Associations to support their training aimed at the optimization and/or expansion of members’ professional scope of practice.
Eligible applicants for the grant include:
- Regulatory bodies and Professional Colleges of Health Professionals in PEI (i.e. College of Registered Nurses and Midwives of PEI);
- Representatives and professional associations (i.e. PEI Physiotherapy Association);
- Preference for grant and funding opportunities would be given to those professionals who do not currently have access to alternative funding for education and learning.
Examples of eligible programs could include:
- Development of curriculum to support training to expand scope of practice to include prescribing for certain conditions;
- Course allowance for allied health professional to obtain additional training to support expansion of scope of practice;
- Registration for required training courses for certification.
Applicant Guidelines, Process, and Platform
Applications have closed and notice of award will be issued by Friday, March 22nd.
Disbursement & Allocation of Grant Funding
The Department of Health and Wellness will review grant applications and notify successful candidates by March 22, 2024. Upon approval, funds will be distributed to the College or Association to manage distribution and allocation for the project as per their proposal.
Required Reporting
Groups that have received funding are required to submit a report to the Department of Health and Wellness on allocation and distribution of funds by March 1, 2025. Reporting requirements include:
- Overview of program and expansion or optimization of scope of practice, including benefit to the PEI’s Healthcare system and short-and long-term goals.
- Overview of use of funds (i.e. program development, course reimbursement, management fees, etc.).
- Summary of allocation of funds (i.e. include a breakdown of how grant was distributed).
- Number of professional participants in program.
- Feedback and summary from participants, including two written testimonials from users who participated in the program supported by the grant.