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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant, Loan, Repayable Contribution

Fund Type

To support collaborative research and development (R&D) in advanced materials, PRIMA Quebec is launching a call for projects. This financial assistance program was designed to contribute to the establishment of collaborations between industry and the research community (universities, CCTT or public research centers).

Advanced material can be defined as any new material or significantly improved material that achieves a marked advantage in performance (physical or functional), compared to conventional materials commonly used.

The projects submitted must clearly present the benefits of the projects for research, training and economic development.


  • This call for projects seeks to support innovation in the field of advanced materials by funding research projects designed to accelerate the development of advanced materials as a practical response to some of Québec’s major industrial challenges. It has been developed to help establish collaborations between industry and the research sector (universities, CCTT or public research centres[1]).
  • Strengthen the capacity for technological innovation of companies and investment communities and materialize the development and transfer of technology through concrete benefits.
  • Showcase research results that have commercial potential.
  • Train highly qualified workforce
  • This call for projects involves two types of funding applications according to the project’s technology readiness level (TRL[2]) measured at the beginning of the project according to the state of the art in Quebec:
  • Application for funding a project with a TRL of 1 to 3 and involving at least two independent companies, one of which is established in Québec where it carries out its in-house or R&D activities, as well as at least one university or CCTT. 
  • Application for funding a project with a TRL of 4 to 6 and involving at least one company, which is established in Québec where it carries out its in-house production or R&D activities, as well as at least one university, CCTT or public research centre. 
  • The projects submitted must clearly present the benefits of the projects for research, training and economic development.
  • It is strongly encouraged to contact a PRIMA advisor to review the application before submission.


  • [1] The list of recognized eligible public research centers is available at the. following link
  • [2]Definitions of different technology readiness levels (TRL) are recapped in Appendix B of this document. 

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