PRIMA Quebec - Call for innovation projects in quantum technologies: industrial research in collaboration and support for entrepreneurship. Part 1: Innovation projects of startups
“Québec. Ministère de l’Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The call for innovation projects in quantum technologies is aimed at startups and Quebec SMEs wishing to carry out an innovation project resulting from research and development in the following fields: quantum computing; quantum communication; quantum materials; quantum metrology and detection.
Component 1 is aimed at quantum technology startups currently receiving (or planning to receive) support from one of the following four organizations: ÉTS Center for Technological Entrepreneurship (Centech); Technology business creation accelerator (ACET); Entrepreneurship Laval; Quantino. Eligible projects are those that require the use of research and innovation to resolve an issue related to the development and growth of the startup. These can be technological innovation projects (which concerns the product or service at the origin of the creation of the startup) or organizational (which concerns a growth issue for the company itself - personnel, structure, etc.).