Pest Biosecurity Program. Rat Control Program (CAP-RCP) (SK)

“Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

In 2018-19, SARM will administer a new rat control program (CAP-RCP) to provide financial assistance to rural municipalities (RMs), First Nations Bands (FNBs) south of the Northern Administrative District. The cost-share rebate program is designed to achieve maximum results and accountability, while keeping administrative requirements for RMs and FNBs to a minimum. The new rat control program builds on the success of PREP that came to a completion with the end of GF2 funding.

  • The purpose of the Rat Control Program (CAP-RCP) is to provide financial and human resource assistance to rural municipalities (RMs) to control the rat population in their respective jurisdictions.

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