PEI Agriculture Climate Solutions Program

“Prince Edward Island. Agriculture and Land”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The PEI Agriculture Climate Solutions Program is designed to encourage and provide assistance to the Prince Edward Island agriculture industry to implement best management practices (BMPs) that mitigate the production of greenhouse gases (GHG) during or from various agricultural activities or by prompting carbon storage in soils.

The Program provides financial assistance for the adoption of beneficial on-farm projects and through trial-based payments that encourage the adoption of beneficial practices through demonstration, validation, and knowledge-transfer. Implementation of Beneficial Management Practices that mitigate the production of greenhouse gases and/or sequester carbon in the soil; including: establishing nurse crops within commercial row crops; extending rotations with soil-building perennial rotation crops; no-till planting of crops into green/living crops; willow planting in field edges or marginal/sensitive areas; installing liquid manure storage covers; improving grazing management practices.

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