Osprey Community Foundation - BC Festival of the Arts Legacy Fund Grants
“Osprey Community Foundation”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Private Grant
Fund Type
The Arts Legacy Fund provides an annual grant of approximately $2650; however, this amount may be divided into more than one grant, or increased using additional Community Fund granting dollars. BACKGROUND In the 1990s, Nelson hosted the BC Festival of the Arts, a showcase and workshop for young and emerging artists from across British Columbia. In receiving the privilege of hosting this event together with the accompanying financial assistance from the provincial government, the local host organizing committee agreed that any profit generated by the festival would be turned over to the City of Nelson as a legacy to be used for a purpose consistent with the festival objectives. On the recommendation of the committee, the City of Nelson subsequently agreed to endow the BC Festival of the Arts Legacy proceeds with the Osprey Community Foundation for the purposes of providing an annual grant for local artists, preferably involving young or emerging artists, to create or perform a work of art. Osprey has supplemented the original endowment with matching funds from the Vancouver Foundation and the Columbia Basin Trust.