Operating Assistance for Umbrella Organizations

“Québec. Culture et Communications”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Operating Assistance Program is intended to support organizations in accomplishing their mission and implementing their action plans. The assistance is for organizations: whose activities fall within one of the focus areas under the responsibility of the Ministry; whose mission and action plan contribute significantly and sustainably to achieving the Department's objectives for the sector and the intervention territory covered; whose good management and efficiency help ensure the quality of services they offer to the public or their peers; who have established partnerships in their sector or on their territory, and which have the support of the community with which they work.

  • The operating aid aims, in this case, to allow the umbrella organizations of various sectors of intervention in the culture and communications: To keep the amount of activities and services they offer to their members; To maintain the importance and representativeness of their workforce in their area or their area of intervention, as appropriate.

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