Operating aid for art training organizations | Part 2 - Component 2.2



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Part 2 – Disciplines whose learning takes place outside a recognized training course: drama, cinema and audiovisual, literary creation, popular musical creation, humor and crafts - Component 2.2 Organizations providing training in leisure: training schools and artistic camps in drama, literary creation and popular musical creation


The total financial assistance granted annually to Tier 2 organizations is governed by financial assistance ceilings. Considering the wide variety of organizations supported under PAFOFA, two financial assistance ceilings have been selected: 

 Component 2.1 Organizations providing post-secondary training$1,000,000
 Stream 2.2 Organizations providing training in leisure$60,000

The total financial assistance granted annually may also not exceed 75% of the organizations' eligible expenses.

Specific objectives

Promote initiatives to reach new audiences.

Increase the number of partnerships with the community depending on the discipline or territory.

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