Ontario | Investing in Women’s Futures
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Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Office of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity (OWSEO) funds programs and services that provide women who have experienced violence and/or economic insecurity with multifaceted supports to rebuild their lives, gain skills, and secure better jobs. The Investing in Women’s Futures (IWF) program aims to ensure women and 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals are supported to become economically empowered and to live safely with a strong sense of well-being. The IWF program funds organizations, often operated by women, for women (sometimes referred to as Women-centred organizations), across the province to provide a safe space and wraparound supports for women who experience social and economic barriers to stabilize their lives, embark on a path to healing and wellness, and gain the skills needed to gain economic self-sufficiency and security.
The IWF program is seeking to expand service delivery by adding up to 10 new locations. OWSEO will select successful applicants using a fair, transparent, and rigorous process. Successful sites will be selected based on a variety of evaluation criteria, such as organizational capacity, alignment with program objectives, demonstrated need, and financial stability.