Ontario Community Environment Fund
“Ontario. Environment, Conservation and Parks”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Ontario is committed to protecting human health and the natural environment. Projects that are eligible for support focus on: increasing environmental restoration and remediation activities which repair environmental harm; resilient communities and local solutions to environmental issues.
Funding is available for two different kinds of environmental improvement projects. These include projects that focus on:
- Increasing environmental restoration and remediation activities which repair environmental harm. For example:
- planting trees, shrubs or plants to help mitigate and adapt to climate change
- rebuilding fish habitat and creating fish spawning beds
- stabilizing stream banks and creating buffer strips to reduce nutrient run-off
- restoring streams to improve habitat and water quality
- Resilient communities and local solutions to environmental issues. For example:
- improving the resilience of natural ecosystems by restoring wetlands and preserving areas of significant environmental and ecological importance
- installing rain gardens to reduce the risk of flooding and help communities adapt to climate change