Ontario Beef Cattle Financial Protection Program
“Ontario. Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Repayable Contribution
Fund Type
The Ontario Beef Cattle Financial Protection Program (OBCFPP) was established through provincial legislation and regulation in 1982 to provide protection to cattle sellers against default in payment when cattle are sold to a licenced dealer.
- The program consists of the licensing of livestock abattoirs, associations, auction markets, country dealers and packing plants. A fund is established from a compulsory ten cent per head deduction when cattle are sold. A claim can be made against the fund if an eligible cattle seller has suffered a default in payment. Claims are adjudicated by an industry board appointed by the Minister according to a set of program criteria.
- Any producer who sells cattle to an unlicensed livestock abattoir, auction market, country dealer, or packing plant is not covered under the program therefore, it is important to sell cattle to a licensed livestock abattoir, auction market, country dealer, or packing plant.