Oakville Community Foundation

“Oakville Community Foundation”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Private Grant

Fund Type

The Oakville Community Foundation is a conduit between the passions of philanthropic families and the needs of the community. The Foundation encourages a sense of responsibility for community concerns. With this in mind, we strive to grant for breadth and impact.

  • Emergency Shelters - to expand Oakville’s capacity of emergency shelter; reimagine spaces for housing and emergency shelters such as unoccupied warehouses, industrial complexes, commercial properties, closed down school buildings and hospitals.
  • Alternative Housing – investing in low-cost housing alternatives through new builds and re-purposing. Proposals could also have focus on client advocacy.
  • Common / Centralized Intake System for Food– a 1 stop, integrated intake system for food service agencies. Programs using new technology to build membership profiles, utilize data analytics, and match user profiles with services and information.

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