Nutrition North Canada
“Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Registered retailers in the North, country food processors/distributors located in eligible communities, and food suppliers in the South who supply small retailers, institutions and individuals in these isolated communities, can apply for a subsidy based on the weight of eligible foods shipped by air to eligible northern communities. These subsidies are to be passed on to northern consumers by appropriate reductions in the selling prices of eligible foods. The Nutrition North Canada Program — National Manual will govern the terms of the funding agreements with AANDC's subsidy recipients (northern and southern retailers/wholesalers). Since price is not the only factor that influences consumption, the Program will also be supported by targeted Health Canada initiatives that encourage the purchase, preparation and consumption of healthy foods.
- The objective of AANDC's food subsidy program is to help make perishable, nutritious food more accessible and affordable for residents of isolated northern communities without year-round marine or road access.