Northern and Rural Ontario Residential Broadband Program. Community
“Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks (CENGN)”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Rural Ontario communities where a broadband POP exists in the community but limited or no broadband highspeed internet access is available for homes or residences 10 -15 kilometres outside the community.
The purpose of the project will not only be to demonstrate a significant performance level improvement in residential broadband access in residences, but also to provide a well-tested, monitored, and documented implementation, that can be promoted and shared with other communities by the technology applicant(s), the community, and CENGN. It is key that the proposed project infrastructure will be scalable, and that the technology applicant is willing to work with the host community, and any necessary local partners, to come up with a plan to extend or expand the project infrastructure to completely meet the wider residential broadband needs of the community following the project’s successful completion.