Next Generation Networks Demonstration Program

“Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks (CENGN)”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Next Generation Networks (NGN) Demonstration Program is one of three Advanced Technology Platforms (ATP) Demonstration Programs. All three ATP Demonstration programs are accessible via a common intake process. Other ATP Demonstration Programs include the IBM Innovation Incubator Project Customer Demonstration Program and ENCQOR 5G Demonstration Projects. Applicants can apply for more than one demonstration program if they meet the program specific eligibility criteria.

  • The NGN Demonstration Program is designed to support Ontario based small and medium size (SME) companies to use the CENGN testbed to further develop proof-of-concept or demonstrations that could lead to new technologies, products, processes and services.
  • Advance innovation in Next Generation Network technologies; increase economic impact for Ontario based SMEs and Ontario; enhance productivity, competitiveness and skills development; identify and bridge barriers to adoption of NGN technology.

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