Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen) - Cluster Building Projects

“Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen)”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Cluster Building Projects support groups of Canadian SMEs within industry-led, membership-based organizations to enhance capabilities through the application of, or access to advanced manufacturing technologies, best practices and principles.

Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster is led by Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen), an industry-focused, not-for-profit corporation dedicated to positioning Canada as a world leader in advanced manufacturing capabilities.The Supercluster will drive connections between technology and industrial companies to accelerate the development, adoption, and scale-up of transformative capabilities in Canadian manufacturing. 

The Supercluster will strengthen the competitiveness of Canada’s manufacturing sector, drive more innovation and investment in advanced manufacturing technologies in Canada, generate new commercial opportunities for Canadian companies in global markets, grow more large-scale world-leading Canadian enterprises, and develop a modern and inclusive workforce with the skills to excel in advanced manufacturing. NGen is founded on the principle that the transformation to advanced manufacturing will enrich the lives of all Canadians, delivering better products and good jobs while generating the economic growth essential to a better future.

The objective of a Cluster Building Project is to support a group of Canadian for-profit SMEs to work together within an industry-lead membership-based organization to enhance the capabilities and growth of those organizations through the application of, or access to, advanced manufacturing technologies, best practices and principles.

  • Newly formed clusters involving not less than five Canadian SMEs who are members of NGen are eligible to apply for Cluster Building project funding.
  • Existing manufacturing clusters comprised of not less than five Canadian SMEs who are members of NGen looking to take more extensive advantage of advanced manufacturing technologies and processes and digital workflows are eligible to apply for Cluster Building project funding. 

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