New Relationship Fund

“Ontario. Ministry of Indigenous Affairs”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The New Relationship Fund (NRF) is an Ontario government program designed to help eligible First Nation and Métis communities and Indigenous organizations participate in meaningful consultation and engagement with governments and the private sector on lands and resources matters. It also supports long-term planning related to lands and resources including economic development. The Ministry of Indigenous Affairs administers the Fund.

  • NRF funding supports First Nation and Métis communities on lands and resources matters by: assisting eligible First Nation and Métis communities in building consultation and engagement capacity and expertise; assisting eligible First Nation and Métis communities in participating in consultation and engagement processes with the Government of Ontario, municipalities in Ontario, and the private sector; and assisting in developing and improving relationships between the Government of Ontario, municipalities in Ontario, industry and First Nation and Métis communities.

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