Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund
“Agriculture and Agri-Food ”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund (NSCSF) is a $631 million, ten year fund to support projects that restore and enhance wetlands, peatlands, and grasslands to store and capture carbon. NSCSF activities will focus on three main program objectives to effectively sequester carbon: restoring degraded ecosystems; improving land management practices, especially in agriculture, forestry, and urban development sectors; and conserving carbon-rich ecosystems at high risk of conversion to other uses that would release their stored carbon. Funds will also support monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions.
Projects under this initiative will contribute to the following departmental results: reduction of Canadian greenhouse gas and short-lived climate pollutant emissions contribution to biodiversity conservation domestically and internationally conservation and protection of Canada’s wildlife and habitat recovery of Canada’s species at risk engagement of Indigenous Peoples in conservation engagement of Indigenous Peoples in clean growth and climate change