Natural Gas Innovation Fund
“Canadian Gas Association”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Fund Type
The Natural Gas Innovation Fund™ (NGIF) was created by the Canadian Gas Association (CGA) to support the funding of cleantech innovation in the natural gas value chain. It seeks to fill a technology development gap in the sector and invests in innovation enabling natural gas solutions for current and emerging challenges facing Canada’s energy system.
- We offer funding at different stages of the innovation cycle including research, demonstration and deployment of natural gas.
- We offer our portfolio companies front line access to Canada’s natural gas utilities and industry, and through them, access to millions of natural gas users across Canada.
- We offer portfolio companies access to technical and natural gas experience through our team and the team of our industry funders as we mentor our companies through the course of their funded project; we offer our portfolio companies a field test environment that gives them exposure to industry staff, and ultimately their customers (residential, commercial, and industrial).