Municipal Youth Strategies Program | component 2 - Projects that implement a local youth action plan or a consultation already carried out

“Quebec. Youth Secretariat”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Youth Secretariat is launching the 2023-2024 call for projects for the Municipal Youth Strategies Program to support the implementation of the 2030 Québec Youth Policy. youth action 2021-2024.

The implementation of the Program is supported by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Union of Quebec Municipalities, the Quebec Federation of Municipalities, Youth Citizenship and the Regrouping of Youth Autonomous Community Organizations of Quebec.


What does the program fund?

It aims to strengthen the action and autonomy of municipal youth authorities.

The Program is divided into two parts:

  • Section 1: Projects that are part of one of these three approaches aimed at supporting local development for youth: consultation of young people, development of a local youth action plan, establishment of an advisory committee on youth .
  • Part 2: Projects that implement a local youth action plan or a consultation already carried out.

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