Multi-Species Research and Development Fund (MSRDF)



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The program will also take a concentrated approach on the transfer of knowledge and technology, in order to aid in introducing and establishing diverse species in the provincial aquaculture sector. The Fisheries and Aquaculture Branch of the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture delivers a comprehensive extension services program that includes the provision of environmental monitoring of sites, fish health services, and the development of human and technological resources.

Program Objectives: 

• Species identification and commercial potential • Area and site suitability • Materials and equipment • Innovation and technology • Development initiatives The goal of the program is to support investments in the research and development of aquaculture production systems of new species not currently commercialized in the province. Program Overview: The MSRDF is intended to help diversify and expand the Newfoundland and Labrador aquaculture sector. Funding will offer aid for research and development for aquaculture projects and incentivize farming of cultured plants and new species. Focus will also be placed on projects to determine if general areas or specific sites are suitable for cultivation of species, from environmental and biological perspectives. The MSRDF will also take a concentrated approach on the transfer of knowledge and technology, to aid in introducing and establishing diverse species in the provincial aquaculture sector.

Funding Levels: The program will provide a non-repayable contribution to a maximum of $50,000 per project or to a maximum of 90 per cent of total eligible project costs for projects that demonstrate industry-wide benefits. The remaining 10 per cent contribution must be identified and confirmed in the application. For projects that focus on private/ individual benefits, the program will provide a nonrepayable contribution to a maximum of $50,000 per project or to a maximum of 80 per cent of total eligible project costs. The remaining 20 per cent contribution must be identified and confirmed in the application. Proposals must demonstrate an applicant’s financial commitment to the project through the provision of direct funding or in-kind contributions such as labour, equipment, or raw materials.

Eligibility Requirements: 

Proposals must clearly outline how program eligibility criteria have been satisfied. The following applicants may be eligible to apply for project funding under the MSRDF: 

• Indigenous groups • Private enterprises/Individuals 

• Industry associations and other non-profit organizations (academic institutions with a partner and/or industry-wide benefits) To be eligible for funding, the applicant must: 

• be registered in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador;

 • demonstrate capability to conduct work directly or in partnership (e.g. a research institution or supplier);

• be an organization having fewer than 100 employees and annual revenues not exceeding $10 million; 

• be in good financial standing with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador; and 

• be in good standing with the Newfoundland and Labrador Registry of Companies, where applicable. Eligible project activities under the program include: 

• Knowledge transfer and information sharing (training and travel costs) 

• Technology transfer and/or research commercialization (training and travel costs) 

• Research stage or early commercial demonstration of production systems 

• Materials and equipment • Environmental characterization of a location’s water and/or substrates to support species cultivation Ineligible activities under the program include: 

• Land acquisition, permitting or title change

 • Building construction/acquisition

 • Vehicle acquisition • Salaries or wages • Working capital • Equity investment • Processing equipment acquisition • Standard aquaculture equipment/technology/ vessel construction acquisition • Normal maintenance, upgrades, repairs, refitting, or related capital expenditures

• Projects directed toward increasing primary processing capacity • Site improvements • Standard plant operating equipment acquisition (e.g. forklifts, pallets, and wharf boxes) • Debt refinancing • Combining of enterprises • Projects by companies, groups or individuals in default of debts to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (or by any related companies, associates or entities)

Evaluation Criteria: The project assessment criteria will include, but not be limited to: • Applicant’s history with funding programs administered by the Department: • Project scope • Anticipated industry-wide benefits and/or strong partnerships resulting from the project • Capacity to deliver • Technical feasibility • Overall viability How to Apply: Applications are to be submitted to and include: • a completed application; • a supporting research plan; and • all supporting documents. For more information on this program contact Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture 709.292.4100


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