Mitacs internships for Yukon COVID-19 recovery

“Yukon. Economic Development”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Through the Mitacs Accelerate program, this initiative supports collaborative research between businesses, non-profit organizations or municipalities, interns, and faculty supervisors — providing cost-effective access to researchers, resources, and project planning.

Through the Mitacs Accelerate program, this initiative supports collaborative research between businesses, non-profit organizations or municipalities, interns, and faculty supervisors — providing cost-effective access to researchers, resources, and project planning.   

These internships focus on economic recovery priorities identified by our Yukon partners, and the connection of those priorities to planning and decision-making for businesses, communities, and organizations. Broad thematic areas include:

  • Social, cultural, economic, environmental, and mental and physical health impacts of the pandemic
  • Governance and sustainable community development
  • Education and knowledge mobilization
  • Sustainable communities: water quality management, landfill management, alternative fuels and environmental conservancy
  • Emerging economic opportunities: mitigating challenges for Indigenous procurement, not-for-profit sustainability, tourism, culture and creative industries
  • Food security: supporting local food production
  • Mining: water remediation, land re-vegetation, determining and mitigating mine-specific climate change impacts
  • Evolving opportunities and challenges: new cross-cutting, integrative, solution-driven research, technology and innovation that support the growth of an economic sector, adoption of new technologies and processes

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