Mining Exploration Support Program | for Critical and Strategic Minerals 2021-2024

“Quebec | Department of Energy and Natural Resources”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

In order to support companies in the field of mining exploration for the realization and development of projects aimed at the discovery of deposits of critical and strategic minerals (MCS) of quality, the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources is setting up a mining exploration support program for MCS. This program also helps companies meet the challenges posed by the geological context of Quebec.

The assistance offered is devoted to geometallurgical and geoenvironmental work with the aim of detailing the characteristics of the mineralization on these plans and, thus, to evaluate not only the quantity, but also the quality of the ore, in order to support the development of new deposits. By addressing the quality of mineralization, including shape, chemistry and mineral associations, exploration projects can assess the potential of deposits and identify issues related to the extraction and processing of ore early in the process. the process of mineral development.

This program is in line with the orientations of the Quebec Plan for the Development of Critical and Strategic Minerals 2020-2025 (PQVMCS).

Program Objectives

  • Increase exploration activities for MCS;
  • Advance quality MCS projects to more advanced stages of the mineral development process;
  • Evaluate the quality of potential ores by carrying out geometallurgical and geoenvironmental work;
  • Invest in geometallurgical and geoenvironmental work aimed at developing CSMs.

Financial aid available and calls for projects

The program provides for an overall envelope of $4.25 million for the 2021-2024 period.

The maximum rate of financial assistance paid by the MERN is 50% of eligible expenses up to a maximum of $400,000 per project. The calculation of financial assistance is detailed in the Applicant's Guide.

A participant may participate in the Program more than once, provided that each application relates to a separate project.

The first call for projects was launched on August 10 and ended on October 1 , 2021. (Results to come).

A second call for projects is in effect from January 17 to March 4, 2022.

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