Micro-Voucher Program
“Alberta. Alberta Innovates”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Fund Type
Micro-Vouchers are designed to support technologies in the early developmental stages. Micro-Vouchers are intended to fund SMEs to retain one service or product provider to assist with early start-up development.
- Promote the entry and growth of competitive Alberta technology-oriented SMEs into the global market; provide feasible technological solutions to defined industry challenges in Alberta; generate measurable, timely and material economic, social and/or environmental benefits for Alberta; and serve as a catalyst for the development and implementation of innovative technology products that generate increased revenues for Alberta SMEs.
- The funds are provided to cover eligible expenses charged during the course of providing any one or more of the following items for the benefit of the applicant: market assessments; industry development; corporate training; conferences (only with the support of a Technology Development Advisor); intellectual property assessments; acquisition of materials or equipment critical to operations.