Mass Timber Demonstration Program

“British Columbia. Forestry Innovation Investment”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Around the world, mass timber buildings are increasing in size, height and complexity. Advancements in wood products and construction are helping build more resilient, climate-smart communities in British Columbia and Canada. 

BC has a unique opportunity to leverage its building innovation, tree and timber expertise which are some of its competitive advantages. Following an initial investment of $ 4.2 million in the Spring of 2021, the Province of British Columbia, through Forestry Innovation Investment, will invest an additional $ 2 million to accelerate the use of mass timber in BC These investments will help BC become a province that is more inclusive, resilient and innovative, with an economic recovery focused on job growth and employment recovery in the design, engineering, construction, and product manufacturing sectors.

The Mass Timber Demonstration Program (MTDP) provides funding to eligible applicants for the design, research, construction and demonstration of mass timber buildings. 

The funding is intended to: 

  • Address technical or other barriers to the use of mass timber in construction projects in B.C. 
  • Support companies to overcome one-time or their first-time costs associated with using mass timber on a construction project in B.C. 
  • Support incremental costs associated with design, engineering, code equivalency, or construction of a mass timber building – that would not otherwise be incurred if building with traditional materials. 
  • Undertake virtual design or 3-D modeling to support off site prefabrication, taking advantage of the speed of construction and other benefits associated with mass timber and prefabrication of building components. 
  • Undertake life cycle assessment, GHG mitigation or related carbon accounting analysis. 
  • Demonstrate performance and commercial success for B.C.-based mass timber technologies, design and construction expertise and services. Showcase best practices and share lessons learned to support future uptake of mass timber technologies. 
  • Prove-out the business case for mass timber use and support the costs related to the learning curve associated with mainstreaming mass timber use in the development and construction sector.

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