Marine infrastructure investment program | Component 1: Maritime and Intermodal Freight Transport Infrastructure

“Québec. Transports”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Avantage Saint-Laurent, the new maritime vision for Quebec unveiled in June 2021, presents measures responding to the various issues raised during consultations held in 2019 in 11 regions of Quebec by the Minister for Transport. The Maritime Infrastructure Investment Program is one of the various initiatives aimed at increasing the performance, competitiveness and sustainability of ports as well as promoting the use of short sea shipping for goods and people. It applies to the same territory as that of Advantage Saint-Laurent, which includes the St. Lawrence River and the Saguenay as well as the estuary, gulf and coastline of the St. Lawrence.

The program is also part of the solutions to meet the major sustainable mobility issues raised in the maritime transport intervention framework of the Sustainable Mobility Policy - 2030: Transporter le Québec vers la modernité (PMD), i.e. the following issues:

  • the sustainability and competitiveness of a maritime and multimodal transport system that meets the needs of commerce, industry and citizens;
  • the under-utilization and lack of valuation of the advantages of maritime transport on the internal and continental movements of goods (short sea transport) and of maritime passenger transport (ferries).

By responding to these issues, the program aims, by the same token, to contribute to the achievement of one of the targets of the PMD which consists in increasing by 25% the tonnages of goods transhipped in Quebec, among others in ports. .

The program succeeds the Support Program for Investments in Maritime Transport Infrastructure. It will end on March 31, 2025 in order to fully cover the period of the first action plan of Quebec's new maritime vision, which will also end on that date.

The program aims to:

  • increase and accelerate investments in order to modernize maritime transport infrastructure and equipment as well as improve the sustainability and competitiveness of Québec's maritime transport system;
  • maximize the links between port infrastructure and land transport modes and increase short sea shipping to improve the performance of the freight transport logistics chain;
  • improve the quality, safety and sustainability of Quebec ferry services that are not part of the Société des traversiers du Québec network.

The program has three components:

  • Component 1: Maritime and intermodal freight transport infrastructure;
  • Component 2: Pilot projects in maritime transport of goods;
  • Part 3: Maritime infrastructure for passenger transport - Intermediate crossings.


Specific objectives for Component 1: Maritime and Intermodal Freight Transport Infrastructure

  • Maintain, improve or build infrastructure and equipment for maritime transport of goods
  • Maintain, improve or build interfaces between port terminals and land networks
  • Integrate maritime segments into national and continental freight transport chains (short sea shipping)
  • Improve or add international maritime transport segments for which Québec is the point of origin or destination

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