Manitoba Youth Jobs Program

“Manitoba. Municipal Relations”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The program provides wage subsidies to permanent Manitoba-based non-profit organizations and private sector employers that hire eligible employees aged 29 and younger. Employers receive a 50% wage subsidy on all eligible wages earned by eligible employees up to a maximum funding of $25,000 per employer. The wage subsidy covers full pay periods that fall between May 1 and September 5, 2021. Employers are not limited in the number of eligible employees they can claim.

The program complements other federal and provincial government programs available to Manitoba employers in 2021, including the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, Canada Emergency Hiring Program, Canada Summer Jobs and the Manitoba Green Team program. Employers that are participating in a different government program may receive funding to hire additional employees. Employees who had their wages subsidized by another program during or before their participation in Manitoba Youth Jobs Program are not eligible.

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