Low Carbon Communities Program

“Nova Scotia. Department of Natural Resources and Renewables”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Low Carbon Communities (LCC) Program supports community-led, innovative solutions to create long-lasting greenhouse gas reductions. The program provides funding for projects that support low-carbon solutions in buildings, electricity, transportation and education. Projects can include testing new ideas, applying best practices, increasing knowledge or enhancing equity and accessibility. 

Low Carbon Communities

The Low Carbon Communities (LCC) Program supports community-led, innovative solutions to create long-lasting greenhouse gas reductions. The program provides funding for projects that support low-carbon solutions in buildings, electricity and transportation. Project funding helps communities complete the preparatory work required to implement their projects.

Projects can include testing new ideas, applying best practices, increasing knowledge or enhancing equity and accessibility. You can submit an expression of interest until 24 June 2024.

Funding categories

Projects should support low-carbon solutions in one of the following categories:

  • clean buildings
  • clean electricity
  • clean transportation
  • clean energy education

Funding amount

The Low Carbon Communities Program provides up to 75% of total project eligible costs. Projects can only receive up to the maximum funding amount for their project funding category.

CategoryMaximum funding
Clean buildings$75,000
Clean electricity$75,000
Clean transportation$75,000
Clean energy education$50,000

Accessing the funding

The Low Carbon Communities Program provides 90% of the funding at the start of the project. Recipients receive the remaining funding when they complete the project and submit final reports.

Information sessions

Sign up for a webinar to learn more about the Low Carbon Communities Program.

5 June 2024
11:00am to 12:00pm
General Information WebinarRegister 
10 June 2024
2:00pm to 3:00pm
General Information WebinarRegister

Who can apply

Municipalities, First Nations bands and organizations, registered non-profits, post-secondary institutions and businesses can apply. Projects must demonstrate a benefit to communities in Nova Scotia.

Deadline or important dates

Project completion and final report deadline: 31 October 2025

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