Local Initiatives

“Ontario. Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO)”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Local initiatives will encourage competition, innovation, cost savings and customer-driven solutions. As part of the 2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) Framework, local initiatives are being developed to deliver CDM savings in targeted areas of the province with identified system needs. CDM solutions to support local initiatives are being sourced using competitive mechanisms, such as open procurements. This approach enables a broad range of participants to propose CDM programs and opportunities, and encourages competition, innovation, cost savings and customer-driven solutions.

Local initiatives are intended to:

  • deliver 57 MW of demand savings and 230 GWh of energy savings over four years as per the 2021-2024 CDM program plan
  • demonstrate the ability to use CDM as a resource to achieve specified demand and/or energy reductions that can help address regional and/or local electricity system constraints, as identified through the IESO’s regional planning process 
  • identify how targeted CDM can be used as a resource in the service territories of local utilities to address distribution system needs
  • be cost effective and not duplicative of current province-wide CDM programs.

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