Livestock Associations Loan Guarantees

“Manitoba. Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Repayable Contribution

Fund Type

Loan guarantees are available for both feeder and breeder associations. An established association can borrow funds from a private lending institution, and in turn, provide its members with a contract for funds to purchase livestock.

Update 2.10. 2022 | Limits on the Manitoba Livestock Associations Loan Guarantee program, which encourages feeding cattle in the province thereby providing several economic spinoffs, will increase to $750,000 from $500,000 and association limits will increase to $12 million from $8 million, both as of April 1, 2022.

  • With this arrangement, MASC can provide the lender with a guarantee of up to 25% of the association's loan. Livestock is purchased in the association's name, and for security purposes ownership of livestock remains with the association. Association members are responsible for the care, feeding and marketing of the livestock, and therefore are entitled to any profits made on livestock sales.

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