Listen, Hear Our Voices Initiative

“Library and Archives ”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type


Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is providing funding to support Indigenous communities in their efforts to:

  • digitize existing documentary heritage related to Indigenous languages and cultures
  • build the skills, knowledge and resources needed to digitize and preserve documentary heritage related to Indigenous languages and cultures

What is documentary heritage related to Indigenous languages and cultures?

Documentary heritage related to Indigenous languages and cultures includes records that are important to Indigenous communities. For example, written accounts of traditional practices, photographs of community ceremonies, or traditional stories or oral histories recorded on cassette or VHS tape. The item may be in any language if the community determines that the content is culturally significant.

Listen, Hear Our Voices is guided by the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and is one of the many concrete actions highlighted in LAC’s Indigenous Heritage Action Plan and in the National Action Plan developed in response to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. To date, 50 projects from Indigenous organizations across the country have received funding to digitize their recordings and build the skills, knowledge and resources required to carry out this work in their communities.

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