Labor Market Partners Commission | Innovation and knowledge component



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The objective of the Innovation and knowledge component is to increase knowledge related to the development of workforce skills and the needs of the labor market in this regard. It also makes it possible to identify, develop, experiment and evaluate new ways of doing things. This component promotes the training culture and knowledge of training needs. Calls for regional or national projects will target specific clienteles, sectors in particular or issues deemed to be priorities.

Financial assistance can reach 100% of eligible expenses.

Expenses related to fees or salaries are eligible for a maximum of $150/hour and $90,000/year per person. It could be fees or salary

  • people assigned to carry out the project;
  • personnel from organizations collaborating in the project;
  • professionals and research assistants working directly on the project.

There is no annual maximum for eligible fees for

  • consultants;
  • researchers;
  • trainers and trainers.

Indirect costs for trainers and workers in training, such as travel and meal expenses, are eligible according to the Treasury Board Secretariat directive ( , 122 KB) 

The wages of workers participating in training are eligible up to $25/hour.

Expenses for workers with limitations are eligible. It's about

  • fees for an interpreter for training the hearing-impaired;
  • fees for an attendant for the training of a handicapped person;
  • costs incurred for the purchase or adaptation of educational material depending on the nature of the disability of the person participating in training.

Other expenses are eligible, either

  • costs related to inputs deemed essential (software, specialized technical tools, etc.);
  • expenses related to the purchase of educational or promotional materials and supplies needed to carry out the activities;
  • costs related to administrative support, secretarial work and linguistic revision of the research report;
  • expenses related to management and administration activities incurred, up to 10% of eligible expenses.

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