Kamloops Arts Council Grants
“City of Kamloops”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Kamloops Arts Council is a community-based, non-profit society devoted to the development and enhancement of the arts in the City of Kamloops.
- Our mandate includes serving as a voice for the Arts community and building strong relationships among community artists, professional and amateur arts organizations and other community groups, as well as encouraging dialogue and participation.
- The Kamloops Arts Council awards objective is to allow: Access - assistance is provided to enable all sectors of the community to participate in arts and cultural activities Community-based leadership - assistance is provided to group or individual leaders to enhance their abilities and resources, which will then enable the leaders to give back to the community.
- Local Support - assistance is provided to enable community members to help others in the community. Merit - assistance is provided to support excellence in artistic and cultural endeavors.