Justice Partnership and Innovation Program | Additional Supports for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence involved in the Family Justice System




Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Justice Partnership and Innovation Program (JPIP) is launching a call for proposals to support efforts to improve family justice system responses to intimate partner violence by enhancing victim safety, increasing access to services and promoting safe case outcomes for family members.

Through Budget 2021, the Government of Canada announced an investment of $35 million over 5 years for enhanced family justice system supports for victims of intimate partner violence as part of efforts to advance the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.

JPIP provides contribution funding for projects that support ensuring a fair, relevant and accessible Canadian justice system. JPIP supports activities that respond effectively to the changing conditions affecting Canadian justice policy. Priorities include access to justice, family violence, and emerging justice issues. The long-term goal of JPIP is to contribute to increasing access to the Canadian justice system and strengthening the Canadian legal framework.

The objective of this funding is to improve support and access to justice for victims of intimate partner violence who are involved in the family justice system. To support this objective, the Government of Canada has allocated resources through the JPIP for projects that will support a range of activities that assist victims of intimate partner violence to access and navigate the family justice system and improve justice system responses.  For example, these activities could include:

  • Expanding and/or developing and implementing models for Family Court Support Workers or similar services, to help victims navigate the family justice system;
  • Promoting the use of tools to identify family violence in family law cases;
  • Improving coordination between different parts of the justice system in cases involving family violence (e.g. between family and criminal justice systems); and
  • Developing and implementing models for court-appointed counsel to conduct cross-examination in family law cases involving family violence where one or both parties are not represented by counsel (this type of activity is only open to Provincial and Territorial Government applicants)

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