Journey to Independence Fund
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
In 2021, the Manitoba government established a $20-million endowment fund with the Winnipeg Foundation. Annual revenue from the fund will be used by the Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) program to award Journey to Independence Fund (JIF) grants to various organizations across Manitoba. This fund will improve access to community participation and support meaningful transitions into the labour market for target populations within the EIA program. Each year, the EIA program will use a portion of the interest earned from the investment to fund organizations that will deliver innovative and supportive programming to assist EIA clients on their journey to independence.
The JIF will offer one-time, short-term grants that support innovative projects delivered by community organizations to promote, and improve access to community supports and services for EIA clients. JIF intake applications should aim to provide supports and services that address social, financial, employment, training, literacy, cultural and wellness barriers that EIA clients experience, and promote meaningful transitions to the labour market.