Jobs and Growth Fund | Quebec Regions

“Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant, Repayable Contribution

Fund Type

The Jobs and Growth Fund provides funding to businesses and organizations to help create jobs and position local economies for long-term growth. Delivered by Canada’s regional development agencies (RDAs), the new fund provides $700 million to support a regional response to this COVID-19 crisis by investing in projects that will help to create jobs over the next three years and beyond, which includes up to $70 million dedicated to businesses created after January 2020 that meet eligibility criteria. In Quebec, CED is investing $140M to help job creators and the organizations that support them to future-proof their businesses, build resiliency and prepare for growth by transitioning to a green economy, fostering an inclusive recovery, enhancing competitiveness, and creating jobs in every corner of the country.

The fund will help job creators and the organizations that support them future proof their businesses, build resiliency and prepare for growth by:

  • Supporting the transition to a green economy, 
  • Fostering an inclusive recovery,
  • Enhancing Canada's competitiveness through digital adoption to improve productivity and manufacturing processes, and
  • Strengthening capacity in sectors critical to Canada's recovery and growth

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