Isolated Systems Business Efficiency Program

“Nalcor Energy. Hydro”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Isolated Systems Business Efficiency Program targets Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s (Hydro) commercial customers in isolated systems, providing support and financial incentives for a wide range of energy saving projects.

  • To support energy saving projects, such as replacing older fluorescent lighting with high performance models; reducing unnecessary lighting by installing occupancy sensors in spaces with variable occupancy, such as washrooms; minimizing compressed air use by fixing leaks, reducing system pressure, and installing intelligent controls; installing or upgrade insulation to reduce heat lost from refrigeration systems; installing variable speed drives on motors with varying loads, such as ventilation system fans; replacing old motors with high efficiency motors; recovering waste heat from refrigeration or compressed air systems to heat occupied spaces.

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