Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) | Green Infrastructure Stream (water, wastewater and other projects)


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The governments of Canada and Saskatchewan signed a bilateral agreement in 2018 for the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). The program will provide more than $900 million in federal funding for all types of Saskatchewan infrastructure projects.

ICIP investments will benefit Saskatchewan residents by providing:

  • a cleaner environment by reducing soil and air pollutants;
  • improvements to drinking water, wastewater and/or storm water systems;
  • increased capacity for disaster mitigation;
  • reduced greenhouse gas emissions;
  • enhanced public parks, recreational facilities and other spaces that make communities great places to live;
  • faster commutes and travel times and easier movement of goods for businesses;
  • better transportation and digital infrastructure for people living in remote communities.

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