Invasive Plant Control Program
“Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The purpose of the Invasive Plant Management and Control Program is to increase awareness of invasive plants in municipalities and help develop multi-jurisdiction management plans for these problem species. The program assists rural municipalities and First Nation bands with long-term management of noxious weeds and invasive plants, most notably leafy spurge and scentless chamomile.
- The program will provide rebates for the cost of approved herbicides to control specific invasive plants as part of an approved Weed Management Plan (WMP). The program will rebate 100% of approved herbicide costs to RMs, FNBs, or through RMs to Producers and Other Stakeholders for the control of weeds, in any location – public or private, designated as Prohibited Weeds under The Weed Control Act (see Schedule A). For the control of Noxious Weeds approved under the current program (Leafy Spurge, Russian Knapweed, Common Tansy, Yellow Toadflax, Absinthe, Field Bindweed, Common Burdock, Bladder Campion, Ox-eye Daisy, Black Henbane, Hoary Cress and Wild Parsnip) a rebate of up to 100% of approved herbicide costs on public lands; a rebate of up to 50% of approved herbicide costs on private lands.
- Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) is the first line of defense to identify, assess, and respond to invasive plant species. This program assists rural municipalities (RMs), First Nations Bands (FNBs), and through RMs, Producers and Other Stakeholders with costs to undertake and coordinate the control of Prohibited Weeds as well as specific Noxious Weeds that are persistent and problematic invasive plants.
- The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) administers the Invasive Plant Control Program on behalf of the Province of Saskatchewan. Funding of $800,000 for the program is provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Federal Government under Growing Forward 2