Innovation Supercluster Initiative. Protein Industries Supercluster
“Protein Industries Supercluster”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Protein Industries Canada will work with industry partners to create co-investment projects that have the potential to transform the agriculture and food production sector, allowing Canada to secure its position as a global leader in the production of plant-based products and co-products. This program has been mandated with prioritizing projects that fight COVID-19.
- PIC’s value chain approach to innovation will lead to increased production and processing, new and expanded export markets, scaling of agriculture business, new training and employment opportunities, and growth in the Canadian economy.
- Investment across four main program areas (pillars): create - will focus on advanced breeding technologies and germplasm development. Investments will focus on improvements to protein content, quality and functionality with an aim to improve processing efficiency and the development of novel food ingredients.; grow - concentrates efforts on primary production and sustainability objectives using technologies related to data and predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, automation, and sensor technology to increase production efficiency, including nutrient and water use, as well as soil carbon sequestration and enhanced photosynthesis. These efforts will reduce cost, improve sustainability and increase understanding of the effects of production practices on protein quality and quantity ; make - is centred on improving processing by enhancing current processes or developing new technologies to increase efficiency, decrease energy consumption or develop entirely new products from existing commodities. Improvements in this area will allow companies to scale, attract investment into the sector and help meet the need for product consistency in both supply and quality; sell - focuses on the development of new markets in the human, livestock, aquaculture and pet food sectors and serving these markets more effectively with improved logistics and traceability. This pillar builds on Canada’s brand advantage as a food and ingredient supplier to better position SMEs to take advantage of the increased demand for plant proteins. This includes pre-competitive research, prototyping and testing, improved trade relationships, and trade literacy. Investments will connect small and medium sized enterprises with multinational food and ingredient manufacturers and branded food companies through improved supply chains.