Indigenous Habitat Participation Program - Grant component

“Fisheries and Oceans”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Indigenous Habitat Participation Program grants provide funding to Indigenous communities who want to support and participate in consultation activities.

Grant funding goes towards activities supporting the review of works, undertakings or activities submitted to us for decision under the Fisheries Act and/or Species at Risk Act.

Activities that are eligible for grant funding include those that help inform Indigenous positions on current or proposed fish and fish habitat issues and projects. This includes collecting information and data and developing studies.

Consultations are another eligible grant funding activity. Through consultations, we gain feedback on a project’s potential adverse impacts to Aboriginal and Treaty rights. We also use them to discuss possible measures to avoid or minimize those impacts.

We provide funding to those who can help us develop or arrange consultation activities, such as: meetings; workshops; conferences; other type of assembly.

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