Indigenous Habitat Participation Program - Contribution component

“Fisheries and Oceans”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Repayable Contribution

Fund Type

The Indigenous Habitat Participation Program (IHPP) contribution component provides funding in three areas: engagement funding to support Indigenous peoples in providing input to the implementation of the fish and fish habitat protection provisions of the amended Fisheries Act; funding for collaborative activities to ensure Indigenous peoples can partner with Fisheries and Oceans Canada on fish and fish habitat conservation and protection activities; funding for capacity building to support.

The program funds engagement processes such as preparation for and participation in activities and initiatives associated with the fish and fish habitat protection provisions of the Fisheries Act. This includes: providing information, data and views regarding: current or likely effects of proposed regulatory, program or policy initiatives on the regional area related impacts on potential or established Aboriginal rights or titles; reviewing studies and reports relevant to proposed initiatives (if available); giving feedback to Fisheries and Oceans Canada on these initiatives conducting engagement activities, such as meetings or discussion groups conducting outreach to increase awareness of initiatives among Indigenous peoples.

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