Indigenous Arts Support | Grants for Individuals
“Ontario. Ontario Arts Council”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Ontario Arts Council (OAC) respects Indigenous creative expression and worldviews and recognizes the diversity, vitality and importance of Indigenous cultural and artistic practices in our province.
This one-time program aims to support the creative practice and career advancement of First Nations, Inuit and Métis aspiring and professional artists, curators, programmers, presenters and literary editors by funding a wide range of activities and expenses, some of which are not supported in OAC's regular programs.
The program supports research, development, creation and production of new work, the presentation and sharing of artistic work, and activities that create career opportunities and engage communities. Projects may involve the purchase of materials, equipment or services needed to create work or develop knowledge and skills. Additionally, artistic projects can include activities that preserve or transmit Indigenous languages, cultural knowledge and creative practices.
The program welcomes artists working in customary, traditional and contemporary arts practices, including Indigenous Culture Carriers who maintain and transfer the knowledge of specific Indigenous worldviews, cultural practices and traditions through art and creative practice. It will be administered by Indigenous staff members, and applications will be assessed by First Nations, Inuit and Métis individuals.
The program’s priorities are to support:
- projects that reflect the range of artistic practices supported by OAC
- individuals who reflect a range of Indigenous backgrounds
- individuals living in regions across Ontario, including northern, rural and remote communities