Indigenous and Stakeholder Capacity Fund | Stream 1: Indigenous Capacity Support

“Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The CNSC developed the ISCF based on extensive feedback from Indigenous Nations and communities and stakeholders on how to improve regulatory processes. 

The CNSC also engaged other federal departments and agencies for best practices and lessons learned to develop the new program. Introduction: Indigenous Stakeholder Capacity Fund Stream 1: Indigenous Capacity Support Stream 2: Regulatory Policy Dialogue Stream 3: Engagement and Collaboration Support Introduction The CNSC’s Indigenous and Stakeholder Capacity Fund will help Indigenous Nations and communities, as well as stakeholders, gain the capacity necessary to engage in the CNSC’s regulatory processes prior to and throughout the lifecycle of nuclear facilities and activities in Canada in a variety of ways. The purpose of the Indigenous and Stakeholder Capacity Fund is to: develop and support organizational capacity of Indigenous Nations and communities and public stakeholders to participate in and contribute to the CNSC’s regulatory processes, programs, policies and initiatives more meaningfully support building relationships and trust with the CNSC through collaboration with Indigenous Nations and communities and public stakeholders The Indigenous and Stakeholder Capacity Fund has approved funding for 5 years (currently ending in fiscal year 2027–28) and includes 3 funding streams.

The Indigenous Capacity Support stream funds long-term activities to increase capacity of Indigenous Nations and communities with a direct interest in:

  • nuclear facilities
  • nuclear projects
  • and nuclear technologies

This funding stream will be administered on an annual basis with funds disbursed through contribution agreements.

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